
sai英文版怎么用 关于绿化的英语演讲的句子翻译

频道:科普 日期: 浏览:1039
问题描述 sai英文版怎么用



1. 首先,你需要下载安装日语支持语言包。可以到官网下载,也可以通过搜索引擎下载,下载好解压文件。

2. 打开 SAI 2 软件,选择“其他设置”(Preferences)。然后在“语言”(Language)中选择“日本语(日本)”。这一步是为了让 SAI 2 支持日语。



1.When you walk down the street,the trees beside shade you away from the burning sunshine,when your brows are tight for the smelly exhaust gas of the cars,the trees beside made the fresh air for you.

2.People didn't do enough on protection of the afforestation,they broke up the branches,the carved in the tree bodies,dry their wet clothes and carpet on the tree bodies even their dirty mop.

3.The trees beside the street contributed so much to us,but we treated them so merciless,have you heard the sigh from the trees?

4. Take seriously on the protection of the street way afforestation.

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